The specially selected ratio of agglomerized nanoparticles and micro-glass allows ideal polishing of surfaces. The composite meets stringent aesthetic requirements thanks to its chameleon effect, opalescence* and natural fluorescence. The optimal ratio of nanoparticles to micro-glass in the composite helps significantly reduce polymerization shrinkage. Camouflage was developed to provide a very thin coverage layer for teeth that have been “discoloured” following root canal treatment, antibiotic therapy and fluorosis or after being restored with amalgam fillings.
*opalescence - the reflection of artificial and natural light through a composite, i.e. through the natural structure of the tooth. Thanks to this effect, Camouflage is, under any light conditions, an ideal, natural looking and highly cosmetic restorative material.
8 syringes*2g
1 acid-3 g
1 bond-5 ml