The continuous plastic consistency and large color assortment allows excellent usability of the material and is well suited for the classic filling therapy and layer technique in filling structures. Megafill MH can be polished to a high gloss and offers a highly esthetic restoration. The fillers contain fine dental glass particles and highly dispersible silicone oxides, which are specifically treated and cover the surface with a hydrophobic layer. The surface of Megafill MH is therefore resistant and protected from residue deposits and discolorations. Megafill MH is X-ray-opaque and has a fluorescent effect like the natural tooth structure.
The homogeneous structure of the investments and the selected fillers guarantee the chameleon effect and natural opalescence. The high gloss polish capability insures a long color retention and natural esthetic of the restoration. The pleasant process paired with the outstanding characteristics and the universal applicability of Megafill MH stand for a high quality and long lifetime of the restoration.